our birthdays

 Birthday celebrations: Agnostic/Mysterious Starting points and THE Most noteworthy OF Every single Sacred Day (Occasions) IN THE Evil Book of scripture


The day of one's own birthday is considered to be the highest of all holidays in the Satanic faith. This stands in stark contrast to the holiest of holies of other religions, which deify a specific god who has been anthropomorphized in their own image, demonstrating that the ego has not actually been buried. The Satanist believes that if you're going to make a god in your likeness, why not make that god out of yourself? If a man chooses to see himself as a god, then he is a god. Thus, the most significant holiday of the year for the Satanist is his own birthday. After all, don't you feel better about your birth than you did before?

It is fascinating that birthday celebrations are viewed as the main occasion to these Satan admirers (the establishing of their "congregation", called Walpurgisnacht, and Halloween are different ones of significance to them).

Obviously, early Christians didn't celebrate birthday events nor did the early Jews. Nor have genuine Christians at any point observed Halloween. 
 Origen of Alexandria, writing over two centuries after the death of Jesus follows this same line when he recorded a diatribe against the memories of birthdays, indicating that at the time of his writing, a day to remember the birth of Jesus was not part of the church calendar. In his Homilies on Leviticus, speaking on the aspect of birth, Origen states:
. . . not one from all the saints is found to have celebrated a festive day or a great feast on the day of his birth. No one is found to have had joy on the day of the birth of his son or daughter. Only sinners rejoice over this kind of birthday. For indeed we find in the Old Testament Pharaoh, king of Egypt, celebrating the day of his birth with a festival, and in the New Testament, Herod. However both of them stained the festival of his birth by shedding human blood. . . . But the saints not only do not celebrate a festival on their birth days, but, filled with the Holy Spirit, they curse that day (, after the example of Job, Jeremiah and David).

      Christmas is just a roman catholic missions strategy

Christmas is coming! So: yet what is "Christmas?" Doesn't the very term itself signify it's source - "Christ-mass." Accordingly it is of Roman beginning, brought over from agnosticism. Be that as it may, says somebody, Christmas is the point at which we celebrate the Guardian angel's introduction to the world. It is? What's more, WHO approved such celebration? Absolutely God didn't. The Savior bade His pupils "recollect" Him in His demise, yet there isn't a word in sacred writing, from Beginning to Disclosure, which advises us to observe His introduction to the world. In addition, who can say for sure when, in what month, He was conceived? The Book of scriptures is quiet subsequently. It is without reason that the as it were "birthday" celebrations referenced in God's Promise are Pharaoh's (Gen. 40:20) and Herod's (Matt. 14:6)? Is this recorded "for our learning?" Provided that this is true, have we piously acknowledged it? 


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